Final Program and Information for #BATW2022

Our 2022 conference is fast approaching, and we are thrilled to provide some last minute details for our participants. Please find attached a final draft program and joining instructions for our in-person attendees. For those joining us virtually, we will post an update with information specifically for you soon. We are looking forward to seeing everyone either in person or virtually soon!

As announced on the CFP, we'll be awarding a prize for the best conference paper, which will include conditional acceptance for publication in the peer-reviewed Britain and World journal. All conference participants are eligible. Papers must be based on original research and should be submitted by 15 July 2022 to the award co-coordinators, Jonathan Shipe ( and Jessica S. Hower ( The piece should be approximately 7,000 words including citations (in preparation for a final article of between 7,000 and 10,000 words, including citations) and should be formatted in accordance with the editorial guidelines of the Britain and the World journal, which may be found here.


#BATW2022 Conference Conclusion


#BATW2022 Conference Updates