
11 November 2024 - Announcing our CFP for the upcoming Annual Gathering graciously hosted by Liverpool John Moores University! Please take a look at our CFP below (or download the PDF here) and consider submitting your proposal here.

4 March 2025 -

Click here to register for the conference!

We are excited about the over one hundred and fifty of you who will be joining us and are absolutely delighted with the range and quality of papers.

Our plenary speakers will be Head of the International Slavery Museum Michelle Charters and Independent Writer-Historian Christienna Fryar, and, as always, we will gather for our annual launch of the books published in our series with Palgrave Macmillan since we last met. All BATW editors will be at the conference, allowing everyone in attendance the opportunity to discuss book (and journal article) ideas and proposals.



The conference hub – where publishers and sponsors will be based and where lunch and all-day refreshments will be served – is the Centre for Modern and Contemporary History (CMCH) on the campus of Liverpool John Moores University. All panels and plenaries will be in the John Foster Building (98 Mount Pleasant, L3 5UA), which is only a few minutes’ walk from Liverpool Lime Street train station. Liverpool Lime Street is two hours direct from London Euston and an hour direct from Manchester Airport.


For attendees traveling from outside the UK, please also be aware that an electronic travel authorization (ETA) is now required. The turn-around should be quick, but, in some cases, can take several weeks. We suggest that you plan ahead and apply early (ETAs are valid for two years or until your passport expires, whichever comes first; you must have a valid passport to apply). Further information about the ETA can be found here


We have reserved a very limited number of rooms at the Hope Street Hotel, which will also be the venue of the conference dinner and is about 2 minutes’ walk from the conference venue. 

To qualify for this group rate discount, you will need to contact Hope Street’s reservation team directly and provide them with the code: GA004561 by April 1st. Please let them know you are part of the Britain and the World Conference. Please either call or email, as the code will not work through their online booking system. 

Hope Street Hotel

40 Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9DA, United Kingdom

E: sleep@hopestreethotel.co.uk

T: +44 (0)151 709 3000


For individuals looking for other accommodations, our host has provided a list of potential options, all within walking distance of the conference venue:

Please note that none of these locations are associated with BATW, and availability is not guaranteed. We recommend that conference attendees book early. 


We always like to stress at this point that Britain and the World is a non-profit organisation, and all of our income is spent on society activities, of which the conference is the centrepiece.


The conference is a very social affair, with events on four consecutive evenings: the icebreaker on Tuesday, the welcome reception on Wednesday, the conference dinner on Thursday, and our outings in Liverpool on Friday. Only the dinner is chargeable, and we're subsidising the cost of that in the registration rate that includes dinner, as we'd like as many of you there as possible.


Registration fees are broken down into two types (with dinner and without) and two categories (standard and student). All registrations include coffee and tea throughout the day, pastry breakfast each morning, lunch each day, and a drink at the welcome reception. Please note that all prices are in US Dollars as we are a US-based organization. Current conversion rates are included for easy calculation:


  • Registration, including Dinner (Standard) $305 (£240)

  • Registration, including Dinner (Student) $240 (£190)

  • Standalone Registration (Standard) $260 (£205)

  • Standalone Registration (Student) $210 (£165)

  • Standalone Dinner $75 (£60)


BATW membership is required for all conference attendance and includes a subscription to the society's EUP-published journal (two editions every year). You can become a member here

  • Membership $62

Past conference updates:

Wednesday, June 25, 2025

Friday, June 27, 2025

20 January 2025 - We are pleased to extend the deadline of our CFP (so as to welcome even more scholars to our annual gathering!). Please find our updated CFP here.

Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool
United Kingdom

Save the date for our next conference at Liverpool. We will be updating this page with exciting news and necessary details, so please visit again. Please contact us with any questions!


2024 BATW - CFP

This serves as the Call for Papers for the 2024 Britain and the World Conference, Thursday 20 to Saturday 22 June 2024 at the University of Winchester, UK.

As ever, the conference is concerned with interactions between Britain and the wider world, past and present and will highlight the importance of transnational perspectives. As a conference and society concerned with British Studies, we welcome papers from relevant disciplines on all topics and periods.

We accept individual twenty-minute talks as well as complete panel submissions and roundtables. Abstracts should be 250-300 words. Panels are expected to consist of three or four papers and should be submitted by one person who's willing to serve as the point of contact. Complete panels should also include a chair. In addition to abstracts for each individual paper, panel and roundtable submissions should also include a 100–150-word introduction describing the main theme, and a set of keywords. The conference does not discriminate between panels and individual paper submissions, nor between graduate students and established academics.

The conference will be in-person, with some provision for virtual participation. Please state your preference with your proposal.

The conference will be held on the campus of the University of Winchester. This year's conference will offer a registration and accommodation package that takes advantage of the unique size and geography of the city, and of its new, world-class, conference facilities. Winchester is well connected being an hour from Heathrow airport by car or train, and an hour direct from London Waterloo.

Given our location - a storied medieval cathedral city that was once capital of England, and an international city throughout its history - we have expanded our purview, to include scholars who examine Britain and the World from the medieval to the modern, and will host both a pre-modern and a modern plenary speaker. As usual we'll be awarding a prize for the best conference paper, which will include conditional acceptance for publication in the peer-reviewed Britain and World journal (Edinburgh University Press). All conference participants are eligible.

The publisher of our book series, Palgrave Macmillan's history commissioning editor will be at the conference. The editor of our journal Britain and the World will also be present, and both book series and journal editors would be very happy to discuss proposals and submissions to each.

All submissions for inclusion in the conference should be received by Friday, 19 January 2024 with decisions announced by Friday, 2 February 2024. Please find the submission portal here. 

Updates regarding the conference will periodically be posted on the BATW website. It is hoped that participants will be able to call upon their departments for hotel and transportation expenses as the Society – which is non-profit – is not able to offer financial support.

On Twitter our @BATW_tweets hashtag for this conference is #BATW2024. Registration for the Conference will open in Spring 2024.

Conference registration rates will be forthcoming, along with lodging and other details.

If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to email: conference@britainandtheworld.org.

And please share this CFP! Thank you.

Downloadable PDF of the CFP - Click Here