BATW Announces a Virtual Roundtable

As we hope you know, BATW2020 will now be BATW2021: same time, same place, but next year. We will be sending out more information on this in due course. 

For those who planned to present this June and would like to attend next year (and we’d love for this to be everyone!), your papers and roundtables—even if the topic changes— will be automatically accepted for BATW2021. However, you will still need to send in your proposals by the date specified in the new CFP, just so we can keep track of those who wish to attend and any amendments to titles, names, etc.

To the exciting news: as the conference and the BATW community have been on our minds in recent weeks, we have decided to host an event during what would have been our conference this month. We’ll be holding a live roundtable on “Global Britain 20/20” at 10am ET (New York) and 3pm BST (London), 18 June 2020. This panel will assess developments in the recent past and offer thoughts on the possible future of a “Global Britain” amid the present crises of COVID-19, Trump, Brexit, and ongoing racial injustice.

The participants will be:
Martin Farr, Newcastle University, UK
Harshan Kumarasingham, University of Edinburgh, UK
Michael Neiberg, US Army War College in Carlisle, US
Tammy Proctor, Utah State University, US

The moderator will be:
Justin Olmstead, University of Central Oklahoma, US

We hope very much you can join us, as it’s intended to be a proper roundtable: that is, where the audience is very much part of the conversation. If you would like to attend, please email us at by end of day on 15 June. Invitations to join the virtual roundtable via Zoom will be sent out on 16 June. Please share widely with anyone who you think might be interested (we’ll be advertising on social media shortly).  

In less exciting news: As with virtually all other such organizations, Britain and the World has been hit by COVID-19. Most directly, the annual conference effectively pays for the Society to function, and we have no conference this year. As ever, becoming a member helps us enormously, and is, if we do say so ourselves, tremendous value to you too as it not only includes discounted conference fees, but also subscription to the Society’s peer-reviewed journal.

Please consider signing up for or renewing your membership here: We know most of you tend to renew your membership as part of your conference registration, but with no conference this year, we would like to encourage everyone who is able to renew to still do so.  

And if you feel able or inclined – as several members very kindly and generously already have – to donate, you can do so here:

Hoping very much that you’re well amid these trying times.

Martin, Mikki, Justin


BATW Announces New Journal Editor


CFP: Pacific Coast Conference for British Studies 2020 Conference